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Welcome to our memories page where we look back and remember just a few snippets of the favourite moments in the past, including during a National Pandemic! 

This gallery has just a few past whole school event photographs we don’t want to forget.

Our current learning photographs can be found on our Year Group pages! 

Our children really enjoyed designing and writing instructions for their own Olympic Events, which they then built and took part in.

World Book Day during the national lockdown!

The children at home and at school joined together to enjoy a variety of activities. We had fun guessing which teachers were the 'Masked Readers' on the videos and we continued to use our detective skills to guess which book characters the teachers represented through the 'Three Clue Challenge'. We reproduced book covers to display in our windows so that the whole community could take part in our 'Spot a Book' challenge whilst out on their daily walk. We combined our reading and PE skills to take part in the 'Storienteering' activities. We completed our week by celebrating World Book Day and the end of remote learning by enjoying our pantomime 'Robin Hood and his Socially Distanced Men'.

As a tribute to the late Sir Captain Tom Moore, the children created fabulous artwork to recognize how much of an inspiration he was. It was clear he inspired Valley and will be remember for many years to come. Thank you Captain Tom.

Valley held its Number and Shape Day! 

Children in school and at home both took on a mathematical challenge to investigate Maths around them. Children made jewelry, some delicious looking cakes and other food items, created artwork using shapes and went on a scavenger hunt around our local area. It was lovely to see the children having fun with Maths!

We enjoyed inviting our parents, grandparents, extended family and friends, our local community and local care homes to join us for a virtual celebration to spread Christmas joy. 

There was a vast variety of productions across the school, here is a snippet from each year group.

Our Eco Warriors' made a campaign to reduce the amount of energy used in school called Switch Off Fortnight. 

Over the two weeks, the children did lots of small things to achieve this, including turning off lights and the photocopier when not in use.

Walk to School week was a great success with children across the school competing to both design the best poster advertising the benefits of walking and working collaboratively to be the class to walk to and from school most that week.

For Anti-Bullying day at Valley, the Friendship ambassadors chose the theme of STAMP OUT BULLYING. 

The children came to school with odd shoes to show that difference is ok and made posters to raise awareness.

For Children in Need day, everyone came into school in their pyjamas, even the teachers and Miss Milewski! 

The children all enjoyed being warm and cosy all day and made a contribution to such a worthy cause.

We enjoyed Black History day. 

Each phase focused on a particular aspect of black history: EYFS’s day was focused on black hero books, Year 1 and 2 learned all about Rosa Parks, Year 3 and 4 focused on young black heroes including Ruby Bridges and Year 5 and 6 learned about the Black Lives Matter movement.

Valley on Solihull Radio! 

Well done to everybody who took part, lovely to bring cheer to our whole school community.

Remember the words of Fight song by Rachel Platten which we ended the show with .... we are each like a small boat on a big ocean, but when we are strong we send big waves and make a real difference... let's all stay strong, stay alert and work together to control this virus!  

We focus on our mental health and spreading kindness at Valley!