Children with SEND are encouraged to share what they think their needs are, consider how they learn best, the support they need and what they think their targets should be. Children are usually invited to share their views by completing a pupil voice form. This may take place when a child is referred to the pastoral team for support, before a review meeting or at any point during the year where it is deemed important to seek their views. This may be completed with the SENDCo, ASD lead, family support worker or class teacher. The school also conducts many baseline and post-intervention questionnaires to gain the children’s views on their learning before and after an intervention. Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are encouraged to contribute their views by attending reviews, or views are gained before the meeting.
We also use Pupil Passports to capture your child's voice as to what helps them to learn best, their likes and dislikes and anything else they wish for others to know about them. These are reviewed termly and are in our Class Headlines folder so that any adult working in your child's class knows how best to support your child's needs.