As part of our final express event, we took place in a protest around school, which ended with us protesting in the playground to stop deforestation and save the Amazon Rainforest.
In Maths, Year 6 have been consolidating their statistics knowledge.
We have talked about physical and human features in geography and why both are important in geography.
To begin our topic, Amazing Amazonia, we have been learning about where the rainforests are located and developed our knowledge of the countries that are in South Africa.
Year 6 researched and designed a vegan or vegetarian meal .They enjoyed cutting and grating their ingredients and then enjoyed eating them! They did a fabulous job!
Part of our writing sequence includes editing our work. Here we are making changes to our writing.
To celebrate the end of our Topic, we held an Express Event where we showcased our learning and performed our 'I Have a Dream' speech.
During PE we practised our jump, balance and rolls and created a sequence using all 3.
We enjoyed celebrating the coronation by creating a portrait of the new King Charles, using a cereal box.
In PE we enjoyed playing the game of Jump Ball, where the aim was to knock the balls off the cones using a smaller ball.
We used calligraphy to create a piece of art in the style of Screen Prince.
In PE, we learnt how to pass the ball to play a game of Tag Rugby.
We were lucky to have a visit from Lingotots today, where we had a workshop about how we travel to places.
On Wednesday, we had a visit from a company to do a Science workshop with us.
As part of our Engage event, the children found out what discrimination is and showed an understanding of how people would feel when they were discriminated against.
As part of our Express event, Year 6 and Year 5 held an art gallery to show their pieces of art.
In PE we have played games of dodgeball, which really made our heart rate increase.
Year 6 made collages in the style of Derek Gores. Each picture had a message to share with the audience.
During Topic sessions, we have been enjoying researching vegan meals using the iPads.
In English, we have enjoyed working with our peers to edit our work.
We have been learning about how light travels in Science. We experimented with how shadows are made and how to change the size of a shadow.
During our computing lessons, we were creating quizzes for new members of year 6, based on our previous learning during Science and Topic.
Year 6 enjoyed their visit from Lingotots
In PE, year 6 have enjoyed learning the game Bean Bag Raid. The aim is to get as many bean bags as you can into your team's hoop.
Year 6 were excited to welcome their parents in to our Maths Workshop.
During Topic lessons, we have learnt about different types of renewable energy sources and made presentations to the class.
We take part in Activate to wake our brains up to get ready for work.
From reading our book, 'The Song From Somewhere Else', we made freeze frames of key parts in the book before completing our writing based on the character's experiences.
As part of our Engage day, we made large collages out of materials that could be recycled.
During Computing, we have been learning about digital footprints and thinking about how these can be positive and negative.
Activities Day 2 - Part 2
Activities Day 2 - Part 1
This evening, Year 6 enjoyed a lovely camp fire and learnt how to light a fire using a fire flint and striker to ignite a piece of cotton wool.
Year 6 have arrived at Mount Cook and completed their first activities!
After making our mug cakes we investigated where plate boundaries are and the different geographical features that are found near the plate boundaries.
As part of Year 6’s Wow Day, they used their D&T skills to make melt in the middle mug cakes.