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Curriculum Overview

Our Vision is evident in all that we do. Throughout our curriculum our intent is to aspire for excellence with each of our learning opportunities having an aspire target which the children aim to achieve. Our implementation then is where the children enjoy learning with a hands on approach through engaging and exciting lessons which teach key skills in an age appropriate way. Following this, impact is evident as our children achieve success and celebrate this and then we develop our children’s mastery skills as we encourage them to challenge themselves further. Our children are consistently encouraged to grow and learn together to be the best they can be.

Our curriculum is organised through a mixture of topic based learning and stand alone subjects. Children focus on five topics across the year integrating their History, Geography, D.T. and Art skills within this. These are varied in order to stimulate interest and enable children to grow as rounded, well developed, young people. Alongside this, we teach English, Mathematics, Science and Computing as stand-alone subject areas plus Music, P.E., MFL, P.S.H.E. and R.E. We also do our utmost to ensure key skills and cross-curricular links are taught and actively encouraged throughout.

Opportunities for developing early phonics and reading are prioritised acknowledging that “children who are good at reading do more of it: they learn more, about all sorts of things, and their expanded vocabulary, gained from their reading, increases their ease of access to more reading” (The Reading Framework- January2022).

We believe in every child. We regularly monitor each child’s individual progress and our skilled staff, including dedicated Inclusion Leaders, ensure that interventions and additional support are put in place should a child portray a particular need.

Curriculum Overviews

During EYFS, children of Valley Primary School base their learning around seven key areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. The introduction of our systematic, synthetic phonics scheme commences as soon as children start their Reception year. We design our curriculum to suit the needs of each of our cohorts and take account of the interests and talents of individual children and groups of children. We aim to be flexible and ensure that our curriculum is shaped by the needs, interests and abilities of our learners.

During Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, children of Valley Primary School will usually be taught English, Mathematics and Phonics (primarily KS1) in the mornings and then in the afternoons will be taught Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art & Design, Design & Technology, Physical Education (P.E.), Religious Education (R.E.), P.S.H.E., French (Modern Foreign Language/MFL) and Music. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and covers all key skills from this. We assess our children regularly and make judgements about their progress against age related expectations.

Further Information

If you wish to discuss any aspects of our curriculum or find out more please pop into the school office or email us and we will be happy to tell you more. All documents are available in paper format, free of charge if you contact the school.