All children access weekly jigsaw sessions in class through the SMSC curriculum as well as regular celebrations of achievement through our weekly celebration assemblies.
Children are taught about our School Learning Power Superheroes Resilient Robbie, Reciprocal Ruth, Reflective Rick and Resourceful Rosie and encouraged to develop their own similar superpowers!
To encourage each child on their journey to be effective future citizens, each class in Key Stages One and Two have representatives that work together in pupil leadership capacity. These roles include Playground Leaders, Eco Warriors, Friendship Ambassadors, School Council, Digital Ambassadors, House Captains and Health Heroes. Please take a look at the pupil leadership pages on the website for more information on the work that they do in school.
Valley Primary School is a KiVA school and takes allegations of bullying very seriously. Please see the KiVA pages of our website for further information.
We are fortunate to benefit from the skills and experience of Mrs Wood, Assistant Headteacher and Pastoral Lead, who is ably supported by her pastoral team:
Mrs Manton, Mrs Burrowes, Mrs Ford - Pastoral Team.
The Pastoral Team lead targeted small group and individual interventions take place as needed to develop social skills, overcome friendship difficulties and navigate the challenges of the more unstructured times. Should you have any concerns of a pastoral nature please contact your child’s class teacher to discuss these.
Mrs Lambert - Family Support worker.
Mrs Lambert's main area of expertise is safeguarding and supporting children through tricky times. Due to the nature of this support, it is often individual. Mrs Lambert also provides support to parents in the home setting with difficulties they may be encountering personally.
Mrs Wood
Mrs Manton