At Valley Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND and the SENDCo's job is to support the class teacher in planning for children with SEND.
The school has a training plan for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEND. This includes whole school training on SEND issues such as ASD, specific learning difficulties, social emotional and mental health needs and speech and language difficulties.
Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class.
We regularly work with outside agencies who are experts in their field such as the Specialist Inclusion Support Service (SISS), Warwickshire Specialist Teaching Service (STS), Educational Psychology Service (EP) , Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech and Language Therapists. These experts provide specialist advice to school staff to help support children and their advice feeds into the plan, do, review process of the needs based plan cycle.
In school we are fortunate to benefit from a full time, out of class SENDCo, Mrs Heaven. She is also supported by Mrs Manton who is the school ASD lead and the school pastoral lead, Mrs Wood. Each half term, all staff at Valley receive training around a specific area of SEND need. In the past, focuses have included Development Language Disorder, Autism in Girls and Attachment Disorder. Opportunities are also given for all staff to learn from one another. This could be through observing other colleagues within school or visiting other local schools.