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Information about funding and resources

All schools have a budget to provide for the educational needs of all children who attend the school. In addition, the Local Authority delegates specific funding to school to meet the needs of children based on the number of children who are accessing additonal support at SEN support level, social deprivation factors, the number of children who qualify for free school meals and children's prior attainment, this money is used to meet the additional needs of children within the school. This provision can take a number of different forms. Support can be provided through the allocation of human resources, curriculum adaptation and grouping and assessment, as previously outlined.

Children with EHC Plans

School will finance the first £6000 of any EHC plan from the SEND budget. Support is provided for children with EHCPs as specified in their EHCP paperwork and this is reviewed annually. This provision is individualised to meet the child’s specific needs and to achieve the objectives set out in their plan.

Pupil Premium Pupil premium funding is also available to meet the needs of children entitled to Free School Meals (this does not include Infant children who are entitled to Universal school meals) or those who are Looked After. 6 monthly PEP meetings for children who are Looked After will consider the provision and funding required to meet the needs of these children. Please contact the school office if you would like to know more about the qualification criteria for the additional funding through pupil premium and the support that this could entail.

Use of funding/Allocation of resources

The Head Teacher deploys support staff to classes to meet the needs of children. This is informed by data analysis taken from the school’s assessment cycle and the needs of individual children identified with SEND and or disabilities. At Valley School we are keen to discourage dependence on an adult and therefore staffing decisions will be made based on the presenting need of the child. When the decision is made that additional adult support is appropriate then your child will access this support when it is needed but they will be encouraged to operate independently when they are able.