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Our Behaviour System 

The zone board system provides children with a visual tool to help them to understand the behaviour expected of them and celebrated within school, including behaviour towards peers and effort linked to learning.

The ‘zone board’ is simply a display with five colour zones going from gold, silver, green, orange to red. An example is shown below.

The largest zone is the green zone which has the names of all the pupils in the class at the start of the day.

Staff are encouraged to regularly praise the pupils who are staying in green by doing the right thing.

The rules and expectations of the school and class are displayed near the zone board and discussed regularly. Pupils are taught that keeping the rules will ensure that they stay in the green zone.

However, an adult/peer may decide that they have been spotted doing so well that their name is moved to silver and then to gold. If a pupils fails to keep one of the school or class rules or to meet expectations, an adult will then move the child down the zone board.

Should a child reach red on the zone board, there is a consequence. This usually involves a discussion with the Phase Leader and then a subsequent appropriate sanction such as missing their next playtime. 

If persistent instances of inappropriate behaviour occur parents will be informed. Parents may be invited into school to discuss how they might work with the school to enable the child to improve and agree appropriate rewards, sanctions and consequences. 

Children can move up and down the zone board and all children are encouraged to work to improve their behaviour should they reach amber or red and move back up to green and beyond if possible. 

Children are rewarded for reaching gold on multiple occasions through our Headteacher ‘Golden Ticket’ reward system, alongside immediate praise from the class teacher for all those on gold at the end of each school day.

All children’s names return to green at the start of each new day. 

If you have any further questions about the zone board and its use at Valley Primary School, please speak to a member of staff.

Praise for Positive Behaviours and Celebration of Achievement.

At Valley, we believe that children thrive on praise. Encouraging all our children to achieve and praising them for their successes is crucial within our school ethos. 

We do this in a vast variety of ways including:

  • Headteacher ‘Golden Ticket’ reward system for reaching gold multiple times on the zone board
  • School Achievement Awards presented in our whole school congratulations assembly
  • Class Achievement Awards presented during our class assemblies 
  • Building Learning Powers Praise awarded each lesson
  • Superb moment celebration where children are encouraged to show a senior leader something wonderful they have done
  • House Points given for positive behaviour and learning with the winning team at the end of each half term given a special reward 


At Valley Primary school, the children are part of one of three houses:

Amazon Rainforest (Green house)

Great Barrier reef (Blue house)

Grand Canyon (Red house)

The children are rewarded house points to encourage good behaviour, good work and showing the Valley values. Each half term the house points are collected and collated by the house captains and mini-house captains.

The winning house receive house reward time on the last Friday of each half term. They also have the opportunity to come to school in their house colours on this day.

The house system gives the children the opportunity to work together in a team across year groups and key stages. It allows children to show the values of responsibility and collaboration. They also begin to understand the British values of mutual respect and tolerance.